High-Capacity Transit Study

Project Goals

The Metro Connector Study has identified six project goals. These goals were informed by feedback from members of the community and stakeholder agencies, and through a review of the specific goals articulated in Transit Forward RI, Moving Forward RI (the State’s Long Range Transportation Plan), the RI Act on Climate, and various State and local policies relating to transportation, public health and community development.

Regional rapid transit connecting the communities of Cumberland, Central Falls, Pawtucket, Providence, Cranston and Warwick is aimed at improving mobility for people living, working, and visiting these areas, and enhancing access to regional destinations including employment centers, educational campuses, healthcare facilities, social services, the airport, and commercial centers. This would be done by reducing transit travel times and increasing the frequency, reliability, and convenience of transit.

The six project goals are as follows:

Grow Transit Ridership: Connect areas that have high demand for transit by providing fast, frequent, and reliable service that is competitive with driving.

Enhance Connectivity: Improve multi-modal connections between regional transportation centers and support Complete Streets that provide safe pedestrian and bicycle access.

Focus on Equity: Provide rapid transit where and when transit-critical populations are traveling, that allows these residents to stay in their neighborhoods.

Support Sustainable Growth: Support smart and compact transit-oriented development (TOD) in designated growth districts and frequent transit corridors. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging mode-shift to transit, walking, and biking.

Support our Economy/Provide New Opportunities: Improve access to regional employment, workforce education, medical and social services, shopping, and other activities to create new opportunities for regional residents.

Focus on Practical and Implementable Solutions: Achieve local consensus on an option that balances costs and benefits, aligns with local goals, and can be reasonably implemented.

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