Due to the construction on Smith Street from, the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) will detour Routes 56 (Chalkstone Avenue) and 57 (Smith Street). Inbound and outbound trips will be detoured off of Smith Street from 8pm to 6am on Tuesday, October 10 through Thursday, October 12, 2017. Please note that routes will follow a different detour each day.
The routes will detour as follows from 8PM to 6AM:
Route 56 (Chalkstone Avenue):
Inbound trips will travel the regular route to Chalkstone Avenue, right onto Raymond Street, left onto Valley Street through to Orms Street, right onto Smith Street and then resume regular route.
Outbound trips will travel the regular route to Smith Street, left onto Orms Street through to Valley Street, right onto Raymond Street, left onto Chalkstone Avenue and then resume regular route.
Route 57 (Smith Street):
Inbound trips will travel the regular route to Smith Street, left onto Pembroke Street, right onto Eaton Street, right onto Douglas Avenue, left onto Orms Street, right onto State Street through to Gaspee Street and then resume regular route.
Outbound trips will travel the regular route to Smith Street, right onto Candace Avenue, left onto Douglas Avenue, left onto Eaton Street, left onto Pembroke Street, right onto Smith Street and then resume regular route.
Route 56 (Chalkstone Avenue):
Inbound trips will travel the regular route to Chalkstone Avenue, right onto Raymond Street, left onto Valley Street through to Orms Street, right onto Smith Street and then resume regular route.
Outbound trips will travel the regular route to Smith Street, right onto Park Street, left onto Orms, right onto Douglas Avenue, left onto Chalkstone Avenue and then resume regular route.
Route 57 (Smith Street):
Inbound trips will travel the regular route to Smith Street, right onto Raymond Street, left onto Valley Street through to Orms Street, right onto Smith Street then resume regular route.
Outbound trips will travel the regular route to Smith Street, right onto Park Street, left onto Orms Street, right onto Douglas Avenue, left onto Chalkstone Avenue, right onto Smith Street and then resume regular route.
Route 56 (Chalkstone Avenue):
Inbound trips will travel the regular route to Chalkstone Avenue, right onto Douglas Avenue, left onto Orms Street, right onto State Street through to Gaspee Street and then resume regular route.
Outbound trips will travel the regular route to Smith Street, right onto Park Street, left onto Orms, right onto Douglas Avenue, left onto Chalkstone Avenue and then resume regular route.
Route 57 (Smith Street):
Inbound trips will travel the regular route to Smith Street, left onto Chalkstone Avenue, right onto Douglas Avenue, left onto Orms Street, right onto State Street through to Gaspee Street and then resume regular route.
Outbound trips will travel the regular route to Smith Street, right onto Park Street, left onto Orms Street, right onto Douglas Avenue, left onto Chalkstone Avenue, right onto Smith Street and then resume regular route.