Due to Town of Bristol construction on Hope Street, the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) will detour Route 60 (Providence/ Newport) in the Bristol area. Hope Street will be closed between Constitution and Wood Streets during construction for the Tanyard Brook culvert replacement project. RIPTA will detour Route 60 (Providence/Newport) beginning with the first trip on Thursday, November 15, 2012 and continue through Friday evening. Regular service on Route 60 will resume on Saturday, November 17, 2012.
The Route 60 (Providence/Newport) detour is as follows:
Inbound trips will travel to Hope Street, right onto Wood Street, left onto Constitution Street, right onto Hope Street and then resume the regular route.
Outbound trips will travel to Hope Street, left onto Constitution Street, right onto Wood Street, left onto Hope Street and then resume the regular route.
RIPTA, the State’s Mobility Manager, operates over 3,000 daily bus trips on over 50 bus routes throughout the state. Last year, we provided 20 million rides. RIPTA also offers passenger van “Flex” services in areas not served by fixed-route bus service. For more information on schedules or other RIPTA services, please call 781-9400 or visit ripta.com.