Route 1 (Eddy/Hope/Benefit):
Northbound trips will travel regular route to Bus Stop I then leave via Washington Street, continue on Waterman Avenue up College Hill and travel Waterman Avenue to regular route.
Southbound trips will travel regular route to the intersection of Thayer and Angell Streets, turn right on Angell Street through to Steeple Street, left onto Memorial Boulevard, right on Fulton Street to Bus Stop D and then resume regular route. Passengers will be picked up and dropped off on Angell Street at the corner of Thayer Street.
Route 33 (Riverside):
Inbound trips will travel the regular route to Angell Street, continue on Angell Street through to Steeple Street, and then resume regular route.
Outbound trips will leave Bus Stop H via Washington Street, continue on Waterman Avenue up College Hill and then travel Waterman Avenue to regular route.
Route 34 (East Providence/Seeekonk Square):
Please refer to the Route 33 (Riverside) detour.
Route 35 (Rumford/Newport Ave.):
Inbound trips will travel the regular route to I-195 West through to I-95 North, right at the Downtown Exit, right onto Francis Street, and then left onto Washington Street to Bus Stop H.
Outbound trips will leave Bus Stop H via a left onto Exchange Street, left onto Memorial Boulevard, continue onto I-95 South through to I-195 East, and then resume regular route.
Route 60 (Providence/Newport):
Inbound trips will travel the regular route to I-195 West, continue onto I-95 North, right at the Downtown Exit, right onto Francis Street, and then left onto Exchange Terrace to Bus Stop Y.
Outbound trips will leave Bus Stop Y, turn left onto Exchange Street, left onto Memorial Boulevard to the I-95 South on-ramp, continue onto I-195 East, and then resume regular route.
Route 78 (Beverage Hill Ave./East Providence):
Please refer to the Route 35 (Rumford/Newport Ave.) detour.